How do you recognize a melatonin deficiency?
Only with enough restful sleep will you have the strength to achieve all your goals. Read all about how to detect and correct a melatonin deficiency here.
Last updated:
October 10, 2022
Posted in
Sleep & Recovery

Only with enough restful sleep will you have the strength to achieve all your goals. If you do not reach the required level of your sleep hormone due to a melatonin deficiency, this can prevent you from rising above yourself in the long term. Read all about how to detect and correct a melatonin deficiency here.
How do you recognize a melatonin deficiency?
Sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to improving your performance and concentration. Your sleep is heavily dependent on your sleep hormone melatonin. If there is a deficiency, this can result in signs of restlessness [1] [2], a poor stress response, insomnia and waking up too early in the morning.
What causes can a melatonin deficiency have?
Why your melatonin level is not at the level you need for a quiet night can have individual reasons. Often, however, the imbalance can be attributed to lifestyle. What you can do to avoid developing a melatonin deficiency in the first place is explained below.
Are certain groups of people particularly frequently affected by a melatonin deficiency?
The causes of a melatonin deficiency can be different. The following factors can play a role:
Blue light in the evening [4]: Artificial light with a high blue light component (460-480 nm wavelength) reduces the release of melatonin. Especially the light from smartphones, computers, and televisions can, therefore, contribute to a melatonin deficiency.
Time changeover/jetlag [3]: Flying through different time zones or even the annual changeover of summer and winter time can mess up your biorhythm. The production of melatonin is only slowly re-synchronized and adapted to the new time.
Shift work: Frequent switching between different working hours (sometimes early, sometimes late) can unbalance the biorhythm.
Caffeine: If you consume caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or energy drinks too late in the day, the caffeine contained in them can affect the production of melatonin. Caffeine has a half-life of about four hours (the time your body needs to excrete 50 percent of the caffeine). Therefore, it is recommended to enjoy such drinks only in the morning.
Alcohol: Alcohol has an unfavorable influence on your biorhythm. Alcohol also seems to make you more sensitive to external stimuli and makes you sleep worse overall [5].
Age: From the age of 40, your body produces only 60% of the amount of melatonin compared to the youth.
What are the possible signs of a melatonin deficiency?
The signs of a melatonin deficiency can be very different and are often so unspecific that it is not immediately clear whether a deficiency or another cause is responsible for it. In general, if you often feel restless and unrecovered in the morning, this could be a sign of insufficient sleep, possibly caused by a melatonin deficiency.
How can a melatonin deficiency be detected?
Your melatonin level can be determined by saliva tests. Your blood is not necessary for this, which makes the test quite relaxed.
Can a melatonin deficiency be detected with a test?
With the help of various examination protocols, you can determine whether you have a melatonin deficiency or are in the green zone. A melatonin test can also be carried out easily at home using various melatonin test sets. The sample is then sent to a laboratory and you can see the results online within a few days. In this way, you can find out whether you actually have a melatonin deficiency.
Alternatively, in case of doubt, a sleep physician is, of course, available to help you.
What effects can a melatonin deficiency have?
Melatonin is your sleep hormone. Accordingly, the symptoms of melatonin deficiency are mainly related to your sleep and fatigue. Typical consequences of a melatonin deficiency could be
Concentration problems and Brainfog
Daytime Tiredness
Reduce stress in road traffic
Chronic exhaustion
How to remedy the melatonin deficiency
One thing first: You cannot swallow a healthy lifestyle like a supplement and then everything will be fine. Melatonin supplements can support you, but they are no substitute for restful sleep and should be combined with good sleep hygiene. If you lead a balanced, conscious, and healthy lifestyle and have a relaxed relationship with stress, you will rarely experience a melatonin deficiency. However, as everyday life is not always perfect, here are some valuable tips for healthy sleep hygiene:
Avoid artificial light after sunset by installing a blue blocker app on your smartphone, for example, Twilight for Android & Night Shift for iPhone. For the computer the app F.Lux is suitable. The best way to protect yourself in the evening is to wear blue blocker glasses.
Your bedroom should be prepared for an undisturbed night. Fresh and cool air lets you sleep optimally. Dark curtains block out the bright daylight in the morning so that you are not woken too early.
Regular bedtime has an influence on the synchronization of your biorhythm. Therefore, try to adopt a routine that suits your needs.
Conclude your working day with a short diary entry: What are you thankful for and why was it a beautiful day? This keeps your motivation up and reduces stress.
Make it easier to fall asleep with SLEEP melatonin capsules
You want to support your sleep in the evening, even though you may not have a melatonin deficiency? Thanks to SLEEP with melatonin you finally fall asleep faster. 1-2 capsules before bedtime can be enough to help you get to rest more quickly in the evening so that you are fit again in the morning for all tasks of the day.
SLEEP melatonin spray for your individual melatonin dosage
If capsules are not for you, then SLEEP MELATONIN SPRAY your best alternative. The spray is quickly absorbed through the oral mucosa. 8 sprays correspond to the same dosage as two capsules of SLEEP (1 mg melatonin). You can also dose the spray individually.
Your Take-Home Message:
Your sleep is dependent on your sleep hormone melatonin. If melatonin is not available in sufficient quantities, i.e. if you suffer from a melatonin deficiency, signs of restlessness and poor sleep can occur. Avoid artificial, blue light in the evening, finish the working day mentally, and reduce alcohol in the evening to a minimum to support your sleep.
[1] Sun H.; Gusdon, A. M. et al. (2016) Current opinion in Lipidology. Vol. 27, No. 4, p. 408-413. Effects of melatonin on cardiovascular diseases: progress in the past year. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4947538/]
[2] Zukiswa, J.; Lecour, S. (2018) Frontiers in Physiology. Vol. 9, p. 528, Cardiovascular Benefits of Dietary Melatonin: A Myth or a Reality?. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5967231/]
[3] Erren, TC.; Falaturi, P. (2010) Deutsches Ärzteblatt international. Vol. 107, No. 38, p. 657-662, Shift work and cancer: the evidence and the challenge. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20953253]
[4] West, K. E.; Jablonski, B. W. (2011) Journal of applied physiology, Vol. 110, No. 3, p. 619-626, Blue light from light-emitting diodes elicits a dose-dependent suppression of melatonin in humans. [https://www.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.01413.2009]
[5] Udoh US.; Valcin, JA. et al. (2015) Biomolecules, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 2504-2537, The Molecular Circadian Clock and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury. [https://www.mdpi.com/2218-273X/5/4/2504]